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Studfall Infant Academy


We have high expectations of behaviour in our school and value really good manners - we are proud of the way our children are able to play and learn with each other. 

In our school we use the Golden Rules . Each class has reminders about what these rules are and why it is great for us all to follow them. 

Children receive dojo awards in our Class Dojo system for following these rules and also for applying our school ethos of nurture , believe , discover and achieving and shine. This is so that children have a really good understanding of why they are being praised.  Parents will receive a notification every time children get a dojo. Every two weeks we hold a dojo assembly celebrating children who have the most dojos or those who have improved. 

We have also worked closely with some colleagues  on the use of the 'zones of regulation'. This is a way of children starting to understand their own emotions and  try to regulate how they are feeling. 

We take the time to teach children about how to behave and think about any challenges they may have . We do this through whole school assemblies , class discussions and taught PSHE sessions ( see our curriculum page). 

We celebrate our children's really good behaviour  but we also value working in partnership with parents where we might need to support children with their behaviour. Families can also approach any member of staff if they have any concerns about their child's behaviour. 

Our approach to bullying 

Bullying is when a person or group deliberately intends to cause someone else to feel hurt, distressed, threatened or humiliated on a repeated basis. 

Bullying is not acceptable

  • We want everyone at the Academy to feel safe and secure.
  • We believe no one should be bullied in any way.
  • We must all make sure bullies never win.

If you, or someone you know, is being bullied:


  • Watching and doing nothing supports the bully.
  • Tell a member of staff or a member of your family immediately.

You cannot deal with a bully by yourself

  • Talk to a teacher, your parents or an adult you can trust .
  • Do not give in to demands for money, sweets or anything else.
  • Do not try to buy the bully off with sweets or other presents.